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Downloads for the NRF / ORSSA training workshop

Dear all - Below, please find a fully functional trial version of the software to run experiments and forecast with. It is only limited in the amount of time you can use it. We hope you will be bale to load, analyse and forecast your own data with it (some license restrictions apply).

Download Programme Tutorial Programme
Download Participants Tutorial List of Participants
Download Presentation Tutorial Presentation Material
Download Software Tutorial Software: Intelligent Forecaster

The initial license is restricted, but can easily be extended upon request (via email in the start-up screen). After expiry of the extended version, further extensions are feasible given your prior feedback on the demo version.

Demo Version restrictions:

  • Expiry: 30 days, max. 31 October 2009; Runtime: no maximum

  • Experiments: maximum of 1000 candidate models per experiment; 100.000 candidate models in total
  • Limited functionality: none

Installation Instructions

  • Unzip the zip-file into any temporary folder
    (this will extract three files: "setup.exe" , "BISlabIF.msi" and a "ReadMe.txt".)
  • Start the file "setup.exe" by doubleclicking and follow the instructions of the installation programme.
  • Please make sure you have:
    • Access to the internet (to automatically install the Microsoft .NET framework 3.5 Service Pack 1, if not already installed)
    • Administrator rights on your laptop

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